Legal Experts Say Budget Cuts Threaten Most Vulnerable

posted on May 9, 2018

The country’s leading human rights advocacy group, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR), is alarmed that the Federal Budget 2018-19 appears to include $54m in cuts in assistance to Indigenous Australians, a $43m reduction in funding to courts and legal services and $30m in cuts to regional cooperation and refugee and humanitarian assistance. ALHR President … Read More >>

Women and girls with Disability still face Endemic Violence

posted on May 4, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has expressed alarm at the latest findings reported by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women and girls’s Safety (ANROWS) in its Women and girls, disability and violence: Barriers to accessing justice report. ALHR is deeply concerned by the pervasive and widespread violence and abuse experienced by women and girls … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers welcome new shift to support employees with disabilities

posted on May 3, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) applauds the recent decision of the Fair Work Commission to restructure the existing framework for paying supported employees to ensure they are paid more fairly. The FWC’s decision will see a shift from the current award where Australian Disability Enterprises determine wage rates for supported employees using the Supported … Read More >>

Honouring A Forgotten National ANZAC Human Rights Hero: Celebrating ANZAC Centenary & 70th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

posted on April 24, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) President Benedict Coyne announced this morning that during this very auspicious final year in the centenary of ANZAC and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ALHR and the Collaborative Research Centre in Australian History (CRCAH) at Federation University Australia will co-host an event on international … Read More >>

ALHR comment on reports of ADF killing of civilians

posted on April 11, 2018

13 July 2017 Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is seriously concerned about reports of alleged breaches of international humanitarian law (IHL) by members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF) operating in Afghanistan. An ALHR spokesperson said, “the reports published yesterday by the ABC are deeply shocking. Allegations that reckless and negligent behavior of Australian … Read More >>

Parliamentary Committee Recommendations Not Enough to Fix Turnbull Government’s Russia Style ‘Gag Law’

posted on April 11, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has welcomed a Parliamentary Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters report which recognises serious flaws in the Turnbull Government’s “gag law” Bill. However, the country’s leading association of human rights lawyers fears the amendments recommended by the Committee do not go far enough to address the very serious human … Read More >>

Legal Experts Alarmed at Rule of Law Crisis on Nauru

posted on April 7, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is alarmed by the rule of law crisis on Nauru, but has applauded the decision of the Chief Justice to tonight extend bail for political protestors whose planned appeal to the High Court was thwarted by the termination of a treaty between Australia and Nauru that previously provided for … Read More >>

Human Rights of Millions Threatened By Turnbull Government Identity Matching Bills

posted on March 21, 2018

In a submission to the Federal Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has expressed serious concerns regarding the provisions of the proposed Identity-matching Services Bill 2018 and the Australian Passports Amendment (Identity- matching Services) Bill 2018. ALHR’s Acting President, Kerry Weste said, “We are shocked that the time frame … Read More >>

Turnbull Government must publicly reject attacks within its ranks on the human rights of women and girls’

posted on March 20, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has welcomed statements by Defence Minister Marise Payne, speaking on behalf of Foreign Minister Julie Bishop reaffirming Australia’s commitment to its partnership with the International Planned Parenthood Federation. However, ALHR has also called on the Federal Government to do more to ensure that Australia is meeting its international obligations … Read More >>

Assistant Minister for Children Slammed as “Out of Touch with Children’s Rights”

posted on March 19, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is deeply concerned by the comments of Assistant Minister for Children, David Gillespie, that the interests of Indigenous children might be better served through adoption outside of their culture, rather than being placed within their communities. Dr Amy Maguire Co-Chair of ALHR’s Indigenous Rights Committee said, “As a signatory … Read More >>

Call for national funding and abortion decriminalisation in all Australian States and Territories.

posted on February 21, 2018 Abortion law reform

Human rights lawyers react to Labor’s Tasmanian abortion pledge with a call for national action and decriminalisation in all Australian States and Territories. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has reacted to today’s policy announcement by Tanya Plibersek that a Federal Labor government would fund access to surgical abortions for Tasmanians by calling on all … Read More >>