
Open Statement to the Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers: Ensure national action on the Report of the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory

posted on November 20, 2017

ALHR is proud to be one of nearly 100 organisations  to have joined Change the Record to call for immediate national action so we never see abuse again. We are horrified by the abuses and torture of children in detention in the Northern Territory, highlighted throughout the Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention … Read More >>

Anti-Discrimination and the Marriage Amendment (Definition and Religious Freedoms) Bill 2017

posted on November 17, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has written to congratulate members of the Federal Parliament for committing to allow a historic victory for equality and human rights in the LGBTI community. Australians have voted “yes” in overwhelming numbers and we look forward to the passage of legislation ensuring marriage equality. We applaud the inclusive language … Read More >>

How will history view today?

posted on November 17, 2017

ALHR open letter to the Prime Minister, Mr Malcolm Turnbull and the Leader of the Opposition, Mr Bill Shorten 15th November 2017 Dear Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition, How will history view today? On this historic day for marriage equality in Australia, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) warmly congratulates you both for … Read More >>

ALHR Statement on the situation in Myanmar

posted on November 13, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is seriously concerned about the situation in Myanmar’s Rakhine state. To help Australians understand what is happening to the Rohinya population in Myanmar, ALHR has conducted a legal analysis applying International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and International Criminal Law (ICL) to the conduct perpetrated by the Myanmar security forces. ALHR’s … Read More >>

Human Rights Lawyers Slam Suspect Target Management Scheme: NSW Pre-Emptive Policing Program

posted on November 6, 2017

The Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has slammed a secretive New South Wales Police program which disproportionately targets young people, particularly Aboriginal youth, for pre-emptive policing. ALHR Vice President Kerry Weste said, “The Suspect Target Management Plan enables any NSW police officer to place people, including minors, who have never been convicted of an … Read More >>

Turnbull Government must Honour Uluru Statement – Stop Ignoring the Voices of First Nations People

posted on October 28, 2017

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s decision to rule out an Indigenous ‘Voice to Parliament’, (as proposed in the Referendum Council’s “Uluru Statement from the Heart”) as “not desirable”, is erroneous and misconceived, says Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) President Benedict Coyne. ALHR calls on the government to reconsider this misguided position and instead embrace the … Read More >>

Stop confusing the human right to civil marriage with religious marriage

posted on October 24, 2017

As the voting period on Marriage Equality comes to an end, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) are seeking to remind the Australian community of the human rights reasons to vote ‘yes’ before the cut off time of 6pm on 7 November 2017. ALHR LGBTI subcommittee co-chair, Nicholas Stewart said, “At present LGBTI couples do … Read More >>

Lawyers appalled at incommunicado detention measures in Australia – this is not Guantanamo

posted on October 14, 2017

“Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) strongly opposes proposed amendments to the Commonwealth Migration Act, which have the potential to further trample the human rights of innocent people in Australian immigration detention, thereby amplifying and aggravating their existing traumas” says ALHR President Benedict Coyne. “The amendments would allow dog searches, strip searches and warrantless searches, … Read More >>

Human Rights Lawyers Welcome First Conviction of Anti-Abortion Protestor under Victoria’s Safe Access Zone Laws

posted on October 14, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has welcomed a Victorian Magistrates Court decision this week which confirmed the lawfulness of safe access zones around reproductive health clinics in Victoria and saw the first conviction of an anti-abortion protestor under the legislation. These important legislative measures make it unlawful to harass and intimidate people or to … Read More >>

Larrikinism under threat – Free Speech but only for bigots? Lawyers strongly condemn criminalisation of Political Comment and Satire

posted on October 13, 2017

“Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has stated its opposition to proposed amendments to the Commonwealth Criminal Code* which create an offence for conduct which could be taken as implying that the person represents either a real or fictitious Commonwealth body. Such conduct is punishable with up to five (5) years imprisonment where there is … Read More >>