Lawyers Condemn Outdated Statements of Malcolm’s Men As Reflecting a 1950’s View of Women and Low-Paid Workers.

posted on April 3, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has concerns about the federal government’s submission to the Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review 2017. The government has argued that an increase in the minimum wage is an inefficient way to address relative living standards or the needs of the low-paid. The government’s view is misguided and risks … Read More >>

ALHR supports the introduction of exclusion zones in NSW to stop harassment at abortion clinics and calls for the decriminalisation of abortion in NSW

posted on March 31, 2017 Abortion law reform

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has expressed strong support for the creation of exclusion zones surrounding reproductive health services clinics as a way of protecting and promoting the human rights of women accessing essential health services. Like the Abortion Law Reform (Miscellaneous Acts Amendment) Bill 2016 introduced last year by Dr Mehreen Faruqi, the Summary … Read More >>

Queensland Government fails to deliver adequate protection in domestic violence cases. Federal Government should intervene.

posted on March 28, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is concerned the Queensland government and crossbenchers have rejected the proposal to mandate that victims and their families be notified when perpetrators are granted bail or parole. Such measures, rather than more populist moves like the introduction of presumptions against bail, will more effectively ensure the safety of women … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers demand royal commission into abuse and violence against people with disabilities in the disability care sector.

posted on March 28, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is calling for an immediate royal commission into the treatment of people living with disability in taxpayer-funded group homes and disability accommodation as highlighted in last night’s episode of Four Corners. ALHR President Benedict Coyne said, “the episode reinforced the findings of a Senate inquiry released in November 2015 … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers warn of crisis conditions in specialist domestic violence services for women and children

posted on March 24, 2017

Human rights lawyers have voiced their grave concerns about the government’s continued relentless push to privatise essential specialist domestic violence services for women by awarding contracts to religious and other for profit agencies. The latest service facing possible closure, is Rape and Domestic Violence Services Australia (RDVSA) – a vital service first established by the … Read More >>

Lawyers Slam Turnbull government for promoting hate speech on Harmony Day

posted on March 21, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has slammed Coalition MPs’ proposal to strip down Australia’s racial discrimination laws on Harmony Day. “The suggested change to replace the words ‘insult, offend or humiliate’ with ‘harass’ demonstrates a profound misunderstanding of the way racist hate speech works its harm by establishing racist discourse as socially acceptable,” ALHR … Read More >>


posted on March 21, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) would like to warmly thank the business chiefs who have shown leadership by standing up for the human rights of LGBTI Australians and voiced their support for marriage equality. The realisation of human rights requires courageous and strong voices from all sections of the community, including the corporate sector. … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers concerned reintroduction of Fred Nile “Zoe’s Law” will undermine womens and girls’ rights

posted on March 13, 2017

Fred Nile has reintroduced his Crimes Amendment Bill, known as Zoe’s Law, which seeks to criminalise harm to, or destruction of, a “child in utero”. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) Women and Girls’ Rights Subcommittee Co-Chair Dr. Rita Shackel said, “These provisions effectively accord both foetuses and embryos a separate legal identity to that … Read More >>

Apparent indifference to human rights violations could damage Australia’s bid for UN Human Rights Council seat

posted on March 9, 2017

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Treasurer Scott Morrison and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop’s failure to censure US President Donald Trump’s recent policy decisions on refugees and immigration, supporting torture, violating the rights of women and rescinding protections for transgender students – to name just a few – highlight concerning inconsistencies in Australia’s current candidacy for a … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers slam decision to bring forward asylum application deadlines

posted on February 28, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is profoundly concerned about reports that the Australian Government has brought forward deadlines for asylum seekers who are subject to fast-track refugee status determination. Asylum seekers have been told to lodge their application within 14, 30 or 60 days of receiving a letter or risk losing welfare payments, access … Read More >>

Leading Human Rights Lawyers welcome Senate Select Committee Report on Same-Sex Marriage Bill

posted on February 28, 2017

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) welcomes the recent Senate Select Committee Report on the Marriage Amendment (Same-Sex Marriage) Bill of 15 February 2017 and calls for a free vote on an amended bill. While the bill as originally proposed sought widespread exemptions to antidiscrimination law on the grounds of religion, the Committee report tempers … Read More >>