“Foreign Influence” legislation including 08-02-18 ALHR Media Release – Electoral Funding Reform -2
and see also the Table describing the provisions of the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Bill 2017 and their impact/ problems.
ALHR urges reforms to Australia’s complaints body for corporate human rights abuses
Positive steps towards modern slavery reporting
ALHR Australia’s 2017 report card
Lawyers welcome ratification of OPCAT but….
Calls for age of criminal responsibility to change in the ACT
New expanded police powers in the ACT
NT Response group should not target children
Rethinking resettlement and family reunion in Australia
ALHR-Media-Release NT Royal Commission 23.11.2017
ALHR-Media-Release – Call for Charter of Rights Amidst SSM Bill Debate 23.11.2017
ALHR media release 7-11-17 taser death
Lawyers strongly condemn potential criminalisation of political satire
2017 10 11 ALHR-representing Cwlth Media release – Final
2017 13 10 ALHR Safe Access Zones Victoria Media Release
2017 12 10 ALHR Restraint Media Release