
ALHR supports the introduction of safe access zones in NSW to stop harassment at abortion clinics and calls for the decriminalisation of abortion in NSW

posted on May 19, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has expressed strong support for the creation of ‘safe access’ zones surrounding reproductive health services clinics as a way of protecting and promoting the human rights of women accessing essential health services. The Public Health Amendment (Safe Access to Reproductive Health Clinics) Bill 2018 was introduced in the NSW … Read More >>

Australian response to US Embassy opening in Jerusalem

posted on May 18, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has written to Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Julie Bishop to commend her decision not to send an Australian representative to the opening of the embassy of the United States of America in Jerusalem, Israel. “ALHR has long been gravely concerned by breaches of international law occurring … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers raise alarms about new powers given to border police

posted on May 17, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is alarmed by the Australian Government’s decision to introduce new laws that would allow Australian Federal Police to conduct random identity checks at airports and order people to leave the premises. ALHR President, Kerry Weste, expressed concern that “centuries of common law that has evolved to protect citizens from … Read More >>

The State of Digital Rights 2018

posted on May 16, 2018

ALHR is proud to endorse the release of the State of Digital Rights report, which outlines the many ways Australians’ rights are being impacted by the activities of private companies and governments in the online world. The internet is often touted as the new frontier of freedom of expression, described simultaneously as a wide open … Read More >>

Event: Necessary Evil: How to Fix Finance by Saving Human Rights

posted on May 11, 2018

 Australian Lawyers for Human Rights and the University of Sydney Law School proudly invite you to the Australian launch of Necessary Evil: How to Fix Finance by Saving Human Rights. Please join us for an evening in conversation with Professor David Kinley and Special Guest Nicole Abadee hosted by Maurice Blackburn Lawyers.    Author David Kinley, Chair in … Read More >>

Legal Experts Say Budget Cuts Threaten Most Vulnerable

posted on May 9, 2018

The country’s leading human rights advocacy group, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR), is alarmed that the Federal Budget 2018-19 appears to include $54m in cuts in assistance to Indigenous Australians, a $43m reduction in funding to courts and legal services and $30m in cuts to regional cooperation and refugee and humanitarian assistance. ALHR President … Read More >>

Women and girls with Disability still face Endemic Violence

posted on May 4, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has expressed alarm at the latest findings reported by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women and girls’s Safety (ANROWS) in its Women and girls, disability and violence: Barriers to accessing justice report. ALHR is deeply concerned by the pervasive and widespread violence and abuse experienced by women and girls … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers welcome new shift to support employees with disabilities

posted on May 3, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) applauds the recent decision of the Fair Work Commission to restructure the existing framework for paying supported employees to ensure they are paid more fairly. The FWC’s decision will see a shift from the current award where Australian Disability Enterprises determine wage rates for supported employees using the Supported … Read More >>

Honouring A Forgotten National ANZAC Human Rights Hero: Celebrating ANZAC Centenary & 70th Anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights

posted on April 24, 2018

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) President Benedict Coyne announced this morning that during this very auspicious final year in the centenary of ANZAC and the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ALHR and the Collaborative Research Centre in Australian History (CRCAH) at Federation University Australia will co-host an event on international … Read More >>