Australian Government should act following findings of Independent tribunal on forced organ harvesting in China

posted on June 19, 2019

The Independent Tribunal into Forced Organ Harvesting of Prisoners of Conscience in China (the China Tribunal) in the United Kingdom, has unanimously concluded that China is harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience. The judgment also found, beyond reasonable doubt, that acts of murder, torture, rape, extermination, violation of fundamental rules of international law, deprivation of … Read More >>

Victoria leads the way with measured and empowering voluntary assisted dying legislation

posted on June 18, 2019

Leading human rights lawyers have applauded today’s commencement of Victoria’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Act, noting it provides terminally-ill Victorians who meet the relevant criteria with the autonomy to make informed decisions about their medical treatment and the timing and manner of their death, while also providing appropriate safeguards to protect vulnerable people from abuse. “The … Read More >>

Australian Government must step up its leadership on business and human rights ahead of the G20 Osaka Summit

posted on June 14, 2019

As the G20 countries prepare to meet in Osaka, Japan from 28-29 June, the Morrison Government should fulfil its commitment, and demonstrate action to implement the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is calling on the Federal Government to do more to demonstrate leadership on business … Read More >>

A free, unhindered, uncensored press is a cornerstone of democracy.

posted on June 6, 2019

Leading human rights lawyers alarmed by AFP raids on the ABC and Annika Smethurst Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) President Kerry Weste said, “The AFP raids on Annika Smethurst and, most recently, the ABC are alarming. Both Annika Smethurst’s story, published one year ago, and the ABC’s investigations of 2 years ago are clearly … Read More >>

Victorian Government’s $1.8 billion investment in prisons not the answer

posted on May 31, 2019

A leading association of human rights lawyers has expressed concern at the Andrews Government’s recent announcement that it will spend $1.8 billion to expand Victorian prisons. The bulk of the funds will go towards an additional 1650 prison beds, mostly for male prisoners, and 548 beds will be added in the maximum-security prison at Chisholm … Read More >>


posted on May 8, 2019

Most adult Australians are currently preparing to vote in the Federal Election on 18 May. Although many of us may take this right for granted, there is no doubt that casting a vote and having your say on who governs our country is a fundamental constitutional right, and a hallmark of democracy. What many Australians … Read More >>

Victoria leads the way with measured and empowering voluntary assisted dying legislation

posted on April 16, 2019

Leading human rights lawyers have applauded the impending commencement of Victoria’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Act , noting it provides terminally-ill Victorians who meet the relevant criteria with the autonomy to make informed decisions about their medical treatment and the timing and manner of their death, while also providing appropriate safeguards to protect vulnerable people from … Read More >>


posted on April 6, 2019

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) applauds the  Federal Government’s establishment of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disabilities. “This is a landmark day for Australians with Disability. Justice for those affected will finally be upheld” Kerry Weste, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights remarked. “The establishment of … Read More >>

Federal Budget slammed for neglecting Australians on low incomes

posted on April 3, 2019

Australia’s leading association of human rights lawyers has expressed extreme disappointment with the Federal Government’s limited commitment to supporting people on low incomes in last night’s Federal Budget. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) says the only positive in the Budget is a one-off payment designed to assist with rising energy costs. However, Charlie Faulder, … Read More >>

What does the Federal Budget deliver for people with disability in Australia?

posted on April 3, 2019

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) commends the federal Government’s allocation of $527.9 million over five years for the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability. ALHR recognises that more than half ($379.1m) will go to the Attorney-General’s Department to not only run the Royal Commission but also to provide … Read More >>