The case for a royal commission into conditions in immigration detention

posted on April 27, 2016

On 14 April ALHR Sydney hosted a sold out expert panel discussion seeking to examine the case for a royal commission to investigate the practices of successive Australian Governments in relation to the treatment of people seeking asylum. Our esteemed panellists presented a highly informative, interesting analysis of the need for a royal commission from … Read More >>

The case for a royal commission into conditions in immigration detention

posted on March 13, 2016

THIS EVENT HAS NOW SOLD OUT ALHR  invites you to join us for an expert panel discussion seeking to examine the case for a royal commission to investigate the practices of successive Australian Governments in relation to the mandatory and prolonged detention of asylum seekers.   We are delighted to host our highly esteemed panelists: Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian … Read More >>

Refugee ‘Q&A’ event in Melbourne a massive success!

posted on March 1, 2016

On 18 February 2016, students, academics and members of the legal profession came to La Trobe Law School’s city campus to listen to and ask questions of a panel put together by Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR). With the aim of analysing the legality of Australia’s refugee policies, the panel was made up of … Read More >>

The time for the appointment of a disability discrimination commissioner is now

posted on February 16, 2016

ALHR joins calls for the Australian Human Rights Commission to appoint a full time disability discrimination commissioner after the resignation of Human Rights Commissioner, Tim Wilson. It is also timely that Commissioner Susan Ryan AO finishes her term in July this year. The disability discrimination portfolio was added to her existing workload in the Ageing … Read More >>

REFUGEE POLICY ‘Q&A’ EVENT Legally Defensible? A legal examination of refugee policies and associated implications

posted on February 4, 2016

An ALHR Melbourne event not to be missed! ALHR will host Anna Burke MP (Labor) and Sen. Sarah Hanson-Young (Greens) as they discuss their parties’ refugee policies and plans.  Joining them in discussion will be legal community stakeholders and experts in refugee law: Julian Burnside AO QC (Vic Bar),  David Manne (Refugee Legal)and Dr Savitri Taylor ​(La Trobe University). Together, this distinguished panel of speakers will answer … Read More >>

Government should still behave compassionately despite High Court Decision says ALHR, and calls for Charter of Rights

posted on February 3, 2016

ALHR media release following today’s High Court decision. “The fact that a majority of the High Court has found that Australia’s Constitution authorises the federal government to act in a manner which completely disregards the human rights of refugees arriving by sea again highlights the urgent need for an Australian Charter or Bill of Rights” … Read More >>

RightsTalk: Business and Human Rights – whose responsibilities?

posted on February 2, 2016

Host: The Australian Human Rights Commission President, Professor Gillian Triggs. Guest speaker: Professor Robert McCorquodale Date: Wednesday, 17 February 2016 Location: Australian Human Rights Commission Level 3, 175 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000 Time: 12:30pm – 1:30pm RSVP: Attendance is free and open to the public. Please register here.

Human Rights and Family Violence Forum with Gillian Triggs

posted on February 1, 2016

Domestic and family violence is one of the most prevalent human rights violations in Australia and worldwide. This forum will feature addresses by Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, and Dr Eric Kwa, Secretary General of the Constitutional and Law Reform Commission of Papua New Guinea. The event will be of … Read More >>

An Elegy for gay asylum seekers

posted on January 28, 2016

The personal accounts of gay men fleeing persecution in Iraq is the basis for a new theatrical production in Melbourne. For more information click here.  

ASRC call for volunteers

posted on January 28, 2016

Calling all lawyers, barristers, migration agents & law students in Melbourne, we’ve a crisis on our hands. 30,000 people seeking asylum who came by boat in need of help 98% of legal funding cut by the Australian Gov. 80% with no one to help them. A new unfair legal system 24,000 in limbo since August … Read More >>