
Human Rights experts warn against US-style politicisation of reproductive rights in Australia

posted on March 9, 2023

Leading human rights experts have warned that National’s Senator Matthew Canavan’s Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022 (the Bill) risks a dangerous politicisation of healthcare in Australia by replicating the rhetoric of the US anti-abortion movement and undermining long-settled international human rights standards. The Bill, which is currently the subject of a Senate … Read More >>

It’s time for Australia to walk the talk on human rights: ALHR welcomes Australian Human Rights Commission proposal for a Federal Human Rights Act

posted on March 8, 2023

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) welcomes the launch of an Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Free & Equal Position Paper proposing a model for a Federal Human Rights Act. The AHRC’s proposals seek to create legal protections for the human rights of all people in Australia, and provide ways to seek justice if people’s … Read More >>

EOIs invited: Senior Co-Chair & Youth-Chairs ALHR Environment and Human Rights Committee

posted on February 27, 2023

Human rights cannot be enjoyed without a safe, clean and healthy environment; and sustainable environmental governance cannot exist without the establishment of and respect for human rights. Since the launch of ALHR’s national Environment and Human Rights Committee three years ago there has been an ever widening acceptance both within Australia and globally that human … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers applaud bipartisan backing for outlawing Gay Conversion Therapy in NSW

posted on February 17, 2023

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has commended Premier Dominic Perrottet and Opposition Leader Chris Minns for publicly committing their parties support for measures to ban conversion therapy in New South Wales, irrespective of who wins government at the state election in March.  ALHR’s LGBTIQA+ Rights Committee Chair, Georgia Burke said, “ALHR welcomes this bipartisan position, … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers welcome path to permanent safety for temporary visa refugees

posted on February 13, 2023

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) welcomes the Federal Government’s announcement that it will fulfill its pre-election commitment to end a decade of suffering by providing a path to permanent safety for refugees holding temporary protection visas.  Approximately 19,000 people who Australia has recognised as refugees, but who have been subjected to temporary visas under … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers slam Federal Government’s Migration Bill as ‘Cruel and Unnecessary’

posted on February 7, 2023

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is deeply concerned about the Albanese Government’s attempts to advance the Migration Amendment (Aggregate Sentences) Bill 2023 in the Senate.  Caitlin Caldwell, ALHR Chair of Refugee Rights said, “The Bill would make aggregate criminal sentences (a single sentence imposed for two or more changes within a case) a legal … Read More >>

Inquiry into Missing and Murdered First Nations Women and Children

posted on February 6, 2023

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be warned that this submission refers to the sensitive issue of death and dying and includes the names of deceased persons. ALHR made a submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee Inquiry into Missing and Murdered First Nations Women and Children. Murder rates for First Nations women … Read More >>

Monitoring Places of Detention (OPCAT) Bill 2022 (QLD)

posted on February 6, 2023

ALHR made a submission to the Queensland parliament’s Legal Affairs and Safety Committee Inquiry into the Monitoring of Places of Detention (Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture) Bill 2022. In October 2022, ALHR, along with more than 95 other key signatories, expressed profound concern in an open letter when the United Nations Subcommittee on … Read More >>

Inquiry into Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare

posted on February 6, 2023

ALHR has made a submission to the Senate Standing Committee’s Inquiry into Universal Access to Reproductive Healthcare, welcoming the Federal Government’s commitment to dismantling barriers to universal access to reproductive healthcare. Our submission highlights the international human rights law basis for universal access to reproductive healthcare, current barriers arising from the cost and accessibility of contraception and abortion … Read More >>

Australia was integral to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights but we’re still the only Western Democracy without a Federal Human Rights Framework

posted on December 11, 2022

Human Rights Day message from Kerry Weste President, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) This weekend we celebrated Human Rights Day and the 74th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a document which underpins all international human rights law. This year’s theme – freedom, dignity and justice for all – offers an opportunity … Read More >>