
ALHR Submission to Queensland Law Reform Commission Review of Termination of Pregnancy Laws

posted on February 28, 2018

ALHR has made a submission to the Queensland Law Reform Commission Review (QLRC) of Termination of Pregnancy Laws. ALHR strongly supports the decriminalisation of abortion in all Australian jurisdictions and supports domestic, regional and international measures that uphold sexual and reproductive health rights, and that allow women and girls autonomy over their own bodies and health. Abortion … Read More >>

Call for national funding and abortion decriminalisation in all Australian States and Territories.

posted on February 21, 2018 Abortion law reform

Human rights lawyers react to Labor’s Tasmanian abortion pledge with a call for national action and decriminalisation in all Australian States and Territories. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has reacted to today’s policy announcement by Tanya Plibersek that a Federal Labor government would fund access to surgical abortions for Tasmanians by calling on all … Read More >>

Disability Rights: ALHR Supported Employment Submission

posted on February 20, 2018

ALHR has provided a submission in response to the Commonwealth Department of Social Services (DSS) discussion paper, “Ensuring a Strong Future for Supported Employment” Supported employment plays a vital role in improving the social and economic participation of many people with disability in Australia. The Department of Social Services is consulting with stakeholders on the development … Read More >>

Proposed Turnbull Government Legislation Slammed for Diminishing Australia’s Democracy

posted on February 8, 2018

Leading human rights experts say measures will severely restrict freedom of speech and political communication. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has slammed the the provisions of the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill 2017 and the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Bill 2017. ALHR is concerned that the Bills far exceed their … Read More >>

ALHR Submission to Inquiry into the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill 2017

posted on February 7, 2018

ALHR’s has made a submission to the  Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters Inquiry into the Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill 2017 ALHR has also made concurrent submission on the separate but related Parliamentary Joint Committee on Security and Intelligence Review of the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Bill 2017 Together, the Bills represent a … Read More >>

Inquiry into the provisions of the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Bill 2017

posted on February 7, 2018

ALHR’s has made a submission to the  Parliamentary Joint Committee on Security and Intelligence Review of the Foreign Influence Transparency Scheme Bill 2017 ALHR has also made concurrent submission on the separate but related Electoral Legislation Amendment (Electoral Funding and Disclosure Reform) Bill 2017 which is also the subject of an Inquiry by the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral … Read More >>

ALHR Submission to Department of Home Affairs Discussion Paper: Managing Australia’s Migrant Intake

posted on February 6, 2018

ALHR has made a submission to the Department of Home Affairs Discussion Paper: Managing Australia’s Migrant Intake ALHR recognises the importance of a well-managed Migration Program and the social and economic benefits that migration brings to Australia. While economic and social benefits are important considerations, Australia’s interests would also benefit from innovative and inclusive approaches to … Read More >>

ALHR urges major reforms to Australia’s primary complaints body for dealing with corporate human rights abuses

posted on January 30, 2018

In June 2017 the Federal Government commissioned an Independent Review of Australia’s primary complaints body for dealing with corporate human rights abuses, the OECD Australian National Contact Point (ANCP). Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) welcomes the Final Report of the Independent Review published in December 2017. The ANCP, currently housed in The Treasury, was … Read More >>

Submission on Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Reporting Requirement– Public Consultation Paper and Regulation Impact Statement

posted on January 30, 2018

On Wednesday, 15 February 2017 the Attorney-General, Senator the Hon George Brandis QC, asked the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade to inquire into and report on Establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia. ALHR’s Business and Human Rights Subcommittee provided a Submission to the Government’s Public Consultation regarding the details of the proposed modern … Read More >>

Positive steps towards an annual modern slavery reporting requirement for large entities in Australia

posted on January 30, 2018

During last year’s Inquiry into establishing a Modern Slavery Act in Australia, the Government outlined a proposal to require large corporations operating in Australia to publish annual statements outlining their actions to address modern slavery throughout their business and supply chains. The Walk Free Foundation has estimated there are up to 40.3 million victims of … Read More >>