
A Healthy Environment For All: Australian lawyers among global alliance of over 1300 organisations calling for the UN General Assembly to affirm the Right to a Healthy Environment

posted on April 14, 2022

Ahead of the closing of the 76th UN General Assembly session, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR), together with an alliance of over 1300 civil society and Indigenous people organisations from around the globe, are calling on UN Member States to affirm the right to a healthy environment.  Following advocacy by the governments of Costa … Read More >>

Submission: ‘No Rights Without Remedy’ Inquiry ACT Parliament

posted on April 7, 2022

Thanks to over 500 signatures received on our ALHR and ACTCOSS  “No Rights Without Remedy” Petition, the ACT Legislative Assembly is holding an Inquiry into whether the ACT Human Rights Act should be amended to include an accessible complaints mechanism. Unfortunately, while the ACT Human Rights Act was drafted to protect individuals against breaches of their … Read More >>

Submission: Review of QLD Anti-Discrimination Act Discussion Paper

posted on April 7, 2022

ALHR made a submission in response to the Queensland Human Rights Commission’s November 2021 Discussion Paper Review of Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act. Our submission expands on ALHR’s earlier submission to the recent Queensland Parliamentary Inquiry into Serious Vilification and Hate Crimes. Prepared by our LGBTI Rights Committee, the focus of this work is primarily on issues relevant … Read More >>

NSW Government clearly can’t be trusted to protect our fundamental rights

posted on April 1, 2022

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights condemns the rushed passage of draconian new anti-protest laws in NSW. With support from NSW Labor, the Roads and Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 was rammed through the NSW Parliament after being introduced late Wednesday. Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) President Kerry Weste said, “ALHR is deeply troubled by … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers slam attempts to ram through anti-protest laws in NSW

posted on March 31, 2022

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is deeply troubled by the Perrottet Government’s  attempts to rush through new anti-protest laws, which ALHR says threaten to breach Australia’s international human rights law obligations.  With support from NSW Labor, the Roads and Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 was rammed through the NSW Legislative Assembly late Wednesday night (in … Read More >>

Budget: The good and the bad for refugees

posted on March 31, 2022

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has welcomed additional refugee places announced in the Federal Budget. However, we are concerned by continued costs blow-outs on Australia’s inhumane offshore detention system, as well as cuts that impact Australia’s commitment to establish proper oversight and scrutiny of detention facilities and the cruel exclusion of people on temporary … Read More >>

Budget: No vision for a modern democracy that values human rights

posted on March 30, 2022

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has described the 2022-2023 Federal Budget as reflecting a Federal Government that does not have a vision of Australia as a modern democracy that values human rights. ALHR President Kerry Weste said, “ALHR is alarmed that the budget reflects a clear disregard for Australia’s need to develop improved national … Read More >>