ALHR makes Submission to the Attorney-General’s Department National Human Rights Action Plan Background Paper

posted on February 27, 2011

Stephen Keim, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, today, confirmed that ALHR has lodged a submission to the Attorney-General’s Department National Human Rights Action Plan Background Paper, which outlines the government’s proposed approach to develop a new National Human Rights Action Plan. Mr. Keim said: “ALHR supports the vast majority of the terms of … Read More >>

Prime Minister Gillard Continues to Get It Wrong on Julian Assange

posted on February 3, 2011

‘The latest statements by Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, as to her government’s lack of responsibility concerning WikiLeaks co-founder, Julian Assange, continue to reflect a misunderstanding of key issues concerning Mr. Assange, the Australian citizen facing extradition proceedings from the United Kingdom to Sweden, and the actions of the WikiLeaks organisation’, President of Australian Lawyers … Read More >>


posted on December 5, 2010

MEDIA RELEASE: 5 December2010 Australian Hysteria over WikiLeaks and Julian Assange Risks Long Term Damage to Freedom of Speech “The Australian Prime Minister and Attorney-General are risking long term damage to freedom of speech in Australia by accusing Julian Assange and WikiLeaks of breaches of criminal law”, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, Stephen … Read More >>

Cluster Bomb Treaty Implementation Lacks Conviction

posted on November 1, 2010

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) welcomes the tabling of legislation to implement the Convention on Cluster Munitions, but remains concerned that Australia has interpreted its obligations far too narrowly. ‘By effectively exempting Australia when assisting other countries who are not parties to the treaty, it allows Australia to load the cluster munitions gun so … Read More >>

Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal peoples in NSW

posted on June 18, 2010

Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal peoples in NSW Australian Lawyers for Human Rights congratulates the NSW Government for formally recognising the State’s first people in the NSW Constitution. The ALHR also congratulates all those involved in making this important change to the Constitution including the NSW Aboriginal Land Council. ?It represents a significant advance to the … Read More >>

ALHR calls on Stephen Smith to press for International Inquiry into Israel’s Attack on Aid Flotilla

posted on June 5, 2010

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights President, Stephen Keim, SC, today, called on Foreign Minister, Stephen Smith and the Australian government to press strongly in international forums for a respected and independent international inquiry to be established to conduct investigations to ascertain the facts of this week’s incident involving an attack by Israeli military forces on … Read More >>