Submission in Response to OHCHR Corporate Accountability and Remedy Project

July 28, 2015

ALHR has made a submission in response to the OHCHR’s global consultation initiative on business and human rights (the ‘Accountability and Remedy Project’). The aim of the Accountability and Remedy Project is to gather information on corporate accountability for human rights abuses in different legal jurisdictions. The Accountability and Remedy Project seeks information on corporate liability under criminal, quasi-criminal and civil law; funding of legal claims; criminal law sanctions; civil law remedies and cases involving prosecution of companies for involvement in severe human rights abuses.

The information obtained by the OHCHR via the Accountability and Remedy Project will be used to deliver guidance to States on consistent implementation of the UN Guiding Principles in the area of access to remedy.

ALHR is excited to participate in this international initiative and thanks contributing members

A LHR members can access a full copy of the Questionnaire with responses and the supplemental ALHR Submissions under “Resources” on this website.