Review of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities

July 1, 2011

As part of the four-year review into the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic), ALHR endorsed the submissions of the Human Rights Law Resource Centre and the Federation of Community Legal Centres and additionally made the following submissions:

* that additional rights be included under the Charter, including those under international human rights treaties such as the ICCPR, ICESCR, CEDAW, CRoC and UNDRIP.

* that the Charter provide for the mandatory, regular auditing of public authorities by an indpendent body to assess compliance with human rights

* that the Charter vest the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission with an own motion power to inquire into, audit and make recommendations relating to the compliance of government instrumentalities with human rights policies, programs and practices

* that the Charter be amended to include further provisions regarding proceedings that may be brought or remedies that maybe awarded relating to act or decisions of public authorities which are made unlawfully, in breach of human rights
* that the Charter has had a positive effect on the development and drafting of statutory provisions, consideration of statutory provisions by Parliament, provision of services, performance of functions by public authorities, and litigation and the roles and functioning of courts and tribunals.

You can read ALHR’s full submission below.

A report on the review is due before the Victorian Parliament by 1 October 2011.

ALHR’s submission at the Vic Parliament website