Renew your membership or join us as a new member in 2017

Membership of ALHR provides unique opportunities to advocate for the protection of human rights and enhances your professional development. Paid membership enables ALHR to continually grow its capacity to assist the victims of human rights violations in Australia and support lawyers in the practice of human rights law.
If you are new to ALHR simply click here to join us
Existing Members
Our membership system operates calendar yearly and it is now time to renew for 2017 if you have not elected to renew via direct debit.
With the start of a new year we would like to thank our existing members for their support over 2016. Without our membership ALHR would not exist. It is an organisation run by members, for members.
We look forward to your ongoing contribution to ALHR and thank you for helping provide us with the tools we need to better serve you and the promotion and protection of human rights in Australia..
To fully realise our goals and provide a high quality service to members we need to increase our resources and your contribution counts!
Former Subscribers
If you were a member under our old membership scheme but have no yet transferred to paid membership, you can transfer in just a few minutes by following these simple steps:
1. Log onto the ALHR website with your email address and password here
2. Go to the “Membership – Renew/Upgrade Membership” tab at the top of the ALHR website pages and chose your class of membership.
3. Proceed to payment.
Once you are logged in our system will retain all of your personal details, so you need only select your chosen class of membership and proceed to payment.
Forgotten your password?
If you have forgotten your ALHR password you can easily reset it by clicking on “forgot your password?”
If you have further queries please visit our membership help page or contact and we will be very happy to assist you.
Paid membership will enable ALHR to continually grow its capacity to both directly assist the victims of human rights violations in Australia and support lawyers in the practice of human rights law.
Click here to find out more about the benefits of membership of ALHR.
Without our membership ALHR would not exist. It is an organisation run by members, for members. We look forward to your ongoing contribution to ALHR and thank you for helping provide us with the tools we need to better serve you and the promotion and protection of human rights in Australia.