Recognition of Foreign Marriages Bill 2014

October 19, 2014


The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee has tabled its report recommending against the passage of the Recognition of Foreign Marriages Bill 2014.

The Committee concluded:

2.54 The committee notes that passage of the Bill would legislate a form of discrimination in that same-sex couples able to marry overseas would be afforded a different set of rights to Australian same-sex couples who under domestic law would be unable to marry.

2.55 The committee recommends that the Bill not be passed as it appears to have been introduced as a vehicle to progress marriage equality more generally, rather than the specific amendment proposed. While the inquiry did reveal some issues which should be addressed by the Commonwealth government at the appropriate time and in the appropriate forum—for example matters relating to family law and migration—it is not within the terms of reference of this inquiry to address those issues. The committee nonetheless urges the government to give these matters due consideration.

The full report is available here.


ALHR has provided written submissions and oral evidence to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on the Recognition of Foreign Marriages Bill 2014.

ALHR has recommended the passage of the bill.

ALHR’s submissions are available here.