
School Student Forum on the Right to a Healthy Environment

posted on November 9, 2023

On Friday 8 November ALHR collaborated with the University of Newcastle School of  Law Centre for Law and Social Justice and the Human Rights for NSW Alliance to host a School Student Forum on the Right to a Healthy Environment. More than 60 students from the Newcastle region came to together to talk about what the … Read More >>

Leading human rights lawyers and disability justice experts call for end to indefinite detention laws

posted on October 19, 2023

Leading human rights lawyers and disability justice experts are calling for an immediate end to indefinite detention laws in Australia that often see people with disabilities abused and victimised, their behaviour criminalised and often becoming victims of the criminal justice system rather than being managed through disability support services. The call follows the recent episode … Read More >>

Disability Royal Commission recommends review of disability and health discrimination in Australia’s migration laws

posted on October 16, 2023

Welcoming Disability, a joint civil society campaign led by Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) and Down Syndrome Australia, has welcomed the Disability Royal Commission’s recommendation to review discriminatory migration health requirements, which have been described as archaic and degrading by leading disability advocates. Under Australia’s current legal framework otherwise fully eligible visa applicants and … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers highlight flaws in NSW Government’s approach to Religious Vilification

posted on June 29, 2023

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) has highlighted serious flaws in the New South Wales Government’s Anti-Discrimination Amendment (Religious Vilification) Bill 2023 (the Bill). The Bill seeks to include religious vilification as an offence under the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act 1977. Under the Bill, it would become unlawful to publicly invite hatred towards or severely ridicule … Read More >>

AGM Notice and Documents 2023

posted on June 12, 2023

The ALHR Annual General Meeting will be held via Zoom on 26 June at 7.00PM AEST Please email to RSVP your attendance.  Zoom meeting details:   Topic: ALHR AGM 2023 Time: Jun 26, 2023 07:00 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 832 8669 1499 Passcode: 502291 — One tap mobile +61370182005,,83286691499#,,,,*502291# Australia +61731853730,,83286691499#,,,,*502291# … Read More >>

Human rights lawyers slam attempts to ram through anti-protest laws in SA

posted on May 19, 2023

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is deeply troubled by the South Australian Government’s attempts to rush through new anti-protest laws, which threaten to breach Australia’s international human rights law obligations.  The Summary Offences (Obstruction of Public Places) Amendment Bill 2023 (the Bill) seeks to introduce a number of changes, including increasing the penalty for … Read More >>

EOI’s Sought: ALHR National Women and Girls’ Rights Committee

posted on May 16, 2023

EOI’s Sought: Senior Co-Chair & Deputy Chair Join ALHR’s incumbent Senior Co-Chair, Dr Tania Penovic, in leading our National Women and Girls’ Rights Committee There are still many areas in Australian society in which women and girls experience unequal treatment and violations of their internationally recognised human rights. As such this area is a critical … Read More >>

Submission on the National Strategy to Achieve Gender Equality

posted on May 13, 2023

In late April ALHR provided a submission to the Department of Prime Minister & Cabinet as part of the consultation on the National Strategy for Gender Equality (the National Strategy). Australia’s latest Status of Women Report Card, released 8 March 2023, made plain that women are still facing persistent, entrenched and systemic inequality. Women in Australia … Read More >>