Nov 2016: Submission to Inquiry into 18C, 18D and the Australian Human Rights Commission

January 27, 2017

ALHR believes that it is not appropriate for Australian legislation to retreat from the values and standards required by international law and which have been associated with adequate protection from racial vilification in so many global jurisdictions.

We believe that it is not necessary to amend the Racial Discrimination Act but that if any amendment is sought it should involve strengthening section 18C.

We see no reason why the complaints-handling procedures of the Commission should be reformed. To the best of our knowledge the Commission’s procedures work satisfactorily and with minimum cost and inconvenience to all parties.

You can read our attached submission below and an ALHR press release here


On Friday 10 February 2017 ALHR President Benedict Coyne appeared before the Inquiry and gave oral evidence.

The hansard of Benedict’s evidence is available here.

Following oral evidence ALHR took a questions on notice and provided the inquiry with further information on the history and background to section 18C. You can read these attached below.

Read the Parliamentary Joint Committee Inquiry Report here