ALHR welcomes bill to end detention debt

posted on June 22, 2009

With Refugee Week 2009 coming to a close last Saturday, Dr Susan Harris Rimmer, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights today welcomed the move by the Rudd Labour Government to end charging non-citizens for the cost of their detention and encouraged all sides of politics to support the Bill.

Joint Media Advisory – The beginning of the end of impunity

posted on March 3, 2009

National Council of Churches in Australia, Asia Pacific Centre for the Responsibility to Protect, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights and Darfur Australia Network issue a joint statement about the expectation of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant against the President of Sudan, Omar Al Bashir, relating to atrocities in Darfur.

Closure of Nauru ends shameful chapter

posted on February 6, 2008

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights today welcomed reports of the Federal Government’s decision to grant permanent protection to the remaining Sri Lankans detained on Nauru since February 2007.

Australian Govt avoiding Courts on Haneef case

posted on July 17, 2007

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights today said that it is an appalling breach of human rights where executive detention and deportation are used to avoid proper scrutiny of government action by the courts.

NSW Charter of Rights and Freedoms supported

posted on March 20, 2007

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights today expressed its support of the decision of the NSW Attorney-General, Bob Debus MP to commence discussions on a NSW Charter of Rights and Freedoms.