ALHR supports the recommendations of the Senate legal and constitutional affairs legislation committee on marriage equality

posted on June 26, 2012

“Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (“ALHR”) welcomes the recommendations of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee supporting the Marriage Equality Amendment Bill 2010 (with amendments),” Stephen Keim, President of ALHR, said today. “It is pleasing to see that the Committee has understood that marriage equality is about removing discrimination in relation to a … Read More >>

Recent arrest of PNG Chief Justice undermines rule of law

posted on May 29, 2012

“Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (‘ALHR’) strongly condemns the executive interference with the PNG judiciary that is taking place in Papua New Guinea.” Stephen Keim, President of ALHR, said today. “The threats towards the judiciary, the recent arrest of a Supreme Court Judge and the imposition of public emergency regulations, separately and in combination, undermine … Read More >>

ALHR welcomes announcement of new Children’s Commissioner

posted on May 1, 2012

“Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) welcomes the announcement of the creation of a National Children’s Commissioner,” Stephen Keim, President of ALHR, said today. “This announcement is timely given Australia’s looming appearance before the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in June” said Mr. Keim. “We believe a National Children’s Commissioner will go … Read More >>

ALHR welcomes Government decision to ratify OPCAT

posted on February 29, 2012

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) today welcomed the Federal Government’s action in tabling a National Interest analysis which records its decision to ratify the United Nations Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT). ALHR President Stephen Keim SC applauded the move as ‘a critical … Read More >>

ALHR calls for independent investigation system for deaths occurring in police custody

posted on February 21, 2012

The President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (‘ALHR’), Stephen Keim, today called upon the Northern Territory government to act to ensure that a properly resourced investigation unit be established that is independent of the police force and capable of responding quickly and proactively when an incident occurs. ‘One acceptable model’, said Mr. Keim, ‘would … Read More >>

ALHR supports same-sex marriage

posted on December 5, 2011

Stephen Keim, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR), today, said that the organisation supported the decision of the Australian Labor Party conference to commit the Party to a policy of lifting restrictions on same sex marriage. “From a human rights perspective, the issue of same-sex marriage is pretty straightforward. All human rights are … Read More >>

Migration amendments put Australia on collision course with Convention obligations

posted on September 19, 2011

Stephen Keim SC, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR), today called on the Australian Government to abandon its proposed amendments to the Migration Act. ‘These proposed amendments put Australia on an unprecedented collision course with its Convention obligations,’ he said. ‘While there are a number of elements of Australia’s refugee policy in recent … Read More >>

ALHR calls on Pacific Islands Forum Leaders to encourage Fiji to lift PER

posted on September 8, 2011

Stephen Keim, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, today, strongly urged Pacific Islands Forum Leaders to take action to encourage Fiji to lift Public Emergency Regulations and other restrictions on freedom of expression. Mr. Keim said: “Since April 2009, the Public Emergency Regulations have been used to suppress criticism of the military and intimidate … Read More >>

ALHR Calls Upon Government to Resist Offshore Processing in Light of Landmark High Court Decision

posted on September 6, 2011

Stephen Keim SC, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights, today, called upon the Australian Government to resist offshore processing of asylum seekers in light of last week’s decision by the High Court, which ruled the Malaysia Solution to be invalid, and the advice of the Commonwealth Solicitor-General, released on Sunday. ‘Onshore processing is the … Read More >>