Senate Committee fails refugees and Australia

posted on March 1, 2013

Media release For immediate release Wednesday, 13 March 2013 Senate Committee fails refugees and Australia The Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee released its report into the Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Unauthorised Maritime Arrivals and Other Measures) Bill 2012 on 26 February 2013. Stephen Keim, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR), who … Read More >>

Senate Committee Report Adopts ALHR’s Recommendations

posted on February 28, 2013

Media release For immediate release 28 February 2013 Senate Committee Report Adopts ALHR’s Recommendations “By supporting the new Anti-Discrimination Bill and adopting our recommendations, the Senate Standing Committee has taken an important step towards a more equitable society for all Australians,” Stephen Keim, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR), said today. “ALHR is … Read More >>

Royal Commission Must Ensure its Terms of Reference meet Australia’s legal obligations under CROC

posted on January 7, 2013

Media release For immediate release Monday, 7 January 2013 Royal Commission Must Ensure its Terms of Reference meet Australia?s legal obligations under CROC? In response to recent media reports that the terms of reference of the Gillard Government?s proposed royal commission into institutional child sexual abuse should be broadened to encompass victims of physical abuse … Read More >>

New discrimination laws are a good start but must be improved, says Keim

posted on January 6, 2013

Media release For immediate release 6 January 2013 New discrimination laws are a good start but must be improved, says Keim ?Australian Lawyers for Human Rights welcome the Federal government?s Exposure Draft Bill which seeks to consolidate existing Commonwealth legislation into one human rights and anti-discrimination Act?, said Stephen Keim, today. Mr. Keim is President … Read More >>

Excising Australia is Obscene as Well as Ridiculous

posted on December 21, 2012

PO Box A147 Sydney South NSW 1235 DX 585 Sydney Media Release For immediate release: Thursday, 21 December 2012 Excising Australia is Obscene as Well as Ridiculous Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (?ALHR?) today condemned the government?s legislative proposals to excise the Australian mainland from Australia for the purpose of its international obligations … Read More >>

Press Release:Bill to Provide Natural Justice for Refugees Needs Overarching Human Rights Safeguards

posted on December 19, 2012

PO Box A147 Sydney South NSW 1235 DX 585 Sydney Media release For immediate release: Wednesday 19 December 2012 Bill to Provide Natural Justice for Refugees Needs Overarching Human Rights Safeguards Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (?ALHR?) has called for overarching human rights safeguards to be included in a Bill which is, itself, … Read More >>

Aboriginal families cannot afford to lose Strong Aboriginal Families, Together

posted on December 5, 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: Wednesday, 5 December 2012 Aboriginal families cannot afford to lose Strong Aboriginal Families, Together ?The Northern Territory Government is taking child rights in the Territory backwards?, said Stephen Keim, President of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (?ALHR?). ?It is disappointing that the Government has rejected the recommendations of the ?Growing Them Strong Together … Read More >>

Closing the Gap Fails the Human Rights Test

posted on October 10, 2012

MEDIA RELEASE: Wednesday, 10 October 2012 Closing the Gap Fails the Human Rights Test Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (?ALHR?) welcomes the release of the first report from the Northern Territory (NT) Coordinator-General, Ms Olga Haven on 24 September 2012. The report explores in depth government expenditure, programs and service delivery in the NT and … Read More >>

Human Rights Compliance to prevent more deaths in custody

posted on September 18, 2012

ALHR called for greater oversight and monitoring of all places of detention in accordance with international human rights standards, after a recent Aboriginal death in custody was caused by NT Police ?lack of care?. The NT Coroner delivered his findings in Alice Springs,  on Monday  after an inquest into the death of Kwementyaye Briscoe, a … Read More >>

Retaining Australians’ Data – A Potential Breach of International Laws

posted on September 18, 2012

In a submission to a Joint Parliamentary Committee on Intelligence and Security inquiring into proposed changes to national security and intelligence-gathering legislation, Australian Lawyers for Human Rights has expressed concerns about potential breaches of human rights and international law if national security laws are amended to allow for the storage of Australians? online data for … Read More >>

Queensland Government Funding Cuts Undermine Access to Justice

posted on August 1, 2012

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is concerned that the Queensland Government?s recent funding cuts to community legal centres will adversely impact on access to justice in Queensland. The Environmental Defenders Office Qld, the Environmental Defenders Office NQ, Sisters Inside and, most recently, the Queensland Working Women’s Service have had their State government funding cut … Read More >>

Stronger Futures legislation: ALHR calls on Parliament to confirm RDA protections

posted on July 27, 2012

The Stronger Futures legislation is currently before the Parliament, if passed would extend elements of the Northern Territory Intervention for a further 10 years. While the bills formally reinstate the Racial Discrimination Act, suspended in 2007 by the Howard Government’s NTNER Act, the current package is still inconsistent with discrimination laws and several human rights … Read More >>