UNIC – Position Vacant ACT

posted on March 2, 2009

CURRENT VACANCY AT UNITED NATIONS INFORMATION CENTRE, CANBERRA The United Nations Information Centre in Canberra (UNIC) is looking for a dynamic, highly motivated, well-organised person to fill a position as INFORMATION OFFICER. Click here for more information

ALHR President speaks at the ACT Baha’i Centre

posted on December 7, 2008

ALHR President, Susan Harris Rimmer spoke at the ACT Baha’i Centre under the heading “Mutually Assured Survival: the contemporary normative impact of the UDHR”. The speech was dedicated to members of the Baha’i faith persecuted for defending human rights or seeking to exercise their human rights.

13 November 2008: Launch of “Human Rights Overboard: Seeking Asylum in Australia” ACT

posted on November 13, 2008

ALHR and Scribe are hosting an event to celebrate the publication of “Human Rights Overboard: Seeking Asylum in Australia”, which draws together, for the first time, the oral and written testimony from the People’s Inquiry into Detention. ALHR President, Susan Harris Rimmer, will host Jack Waterford AO, Editor-at-large, Canberra Times, who will launch the book, … Read More >>

ALHR appears before Whistleblowing Inquiry

posted on September 16, 2008

ALHR today appeared before the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs in relation to its Inquiry into Whistleblowing protections within the Australian government public sector.

ALHR Submission to Inquiry into the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Laws (No. 2)

posted on September 15, 2008

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights today sent a submission to the Senate Legal & Constitutional Affairs Committee regarding the Inquiry into the Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Laws Bill 2008 [No. 2]. ALHR called for an independent review mechanism to oversee counter-terrorism measures. A copy of ALHR’s letter is available for download.

ALHR Submission to Immigration Detention Inquiry

posted on July 28, 2008

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights today made a submission to the Inquiry into Immigration Detention by the Joint Standing Committee on Migration. ALHR made various recommendations as to the treatment of asylum seekers as well as amendments needed to the Migration Act. Click here to view the submission (APH site)