Human Rights at a Local Level: The Case for a Human Rights Act for NSW
ALHR is very proud to co-convene the Human Rights for NSW Alliance with NSWCCL, a campaign which brings together over 30 organisations who support the introduction of a Human Rights Act for NSW.
We are thrilled to invite you to Affinity’s webinar episode in collaboration with NSW Council for Civil Liberties & Whitlam Institute.
Registration required: Please Click here to register
Join us for an insightful webinar with Ed Santow, Human Rights Commissioner and Pauline Wright, President of Law Council Australia. This webinar will be facilitated by Dr Graham Thom, Refugee Coordinator Amnesty International Australia.
About this event: 2020 marks the 75th Anniversary of the United Nations. Many of us understand the importance of human rights at an International level, but what about rights and freedoms in day-to-day life? How do we build respect for Human Rights at a local level and promote a culture where everyone is treated fairly and equally, with dignity and respect. Momentum is building in NSW to see a Human Rights Act guaranteed by law, a model similar to the legislative human rights mechanisms enacted in Queensland, the Australian Capital Territory and Victoria.
Find out more about how a Human Rights Act for NSW might work, and how an Act could benefit individuals and communities.
Time: 7-8pm Wednesday 02 September