Human Rights Arts and Film Festival

The Human Rights Arts & Film Festival is a Melbourne based not-for-profit arts organisation devoted to making human rights issues accessible through film and art. The festival will take place in Melbourne from 7-21 May 2015, with a national tour to follow. The diverse selection of film strives to inspire conversation and action about social justice.

The film we think might be of interest is Uyrghurs, Prisoners of the Absurd:

“Patricio Henriquez examines the experiences of 22 men from China’s Muslim Uyghur minority who fled China in the 1990s. After finding sanctuary in Afghanistan, they were captured and sold as terrorists to the American forces. The film documents the confusing legal limbo which followed even after US legal authorities acknowledged their innocence.” For more information, see:

Limited discounted tickets are available for ALHR members. Simply enter the code HRAFF-UYGHURS at the checkout to get 15% off tickets (Regular price: full $20/concession $18). 

For the full program of events, see: