Human Rights for NSW Submission to AHRC’s Free and Equal: National Conversation

November 19, 2019

Together with 33 member organisations ALHR has endorsed the Human Rights for NSW Alliance’s submission to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s national conversation on human rights in Australia – Free and Equal.

The purpose of the National Conversation is to:

  • Promote awareness of the importance of human rights to 21st century Australia

  • Identify current limitations and barriers to better human rights protections

  • Identify what key principles should underpin the reform of human rights in Australia

  • Build agreement across the Parliament, government and the community about what we can do collectively to better promote, protect and fulfil human rights

Human Rights for NSW is an alliance of community, rights-based and civil society organisations campaigning to ensure that the human rights of NSW citizens are expressed and guaranteed by law so we are all treated fairly, and with dignity, equality and respect.

Human Rights for NSW has embraced the opportunity to participate in this important conversation. The submission makes a number of recommendations and builds the case for a Human Rights Act in NSW.  One of the key recommendations urges the NSW Government to establish a parliamentary inquiry into a Human Rights Act for NSW, and engage in extensive public consultation to determine the most effective model for this legislation.

ALHR is proud to co-convene the  Human Rights for NSW Alliance together with the NSW Council for Civil Liberties.

This submission is endorsed by 33 member organisations, including the NSW Council for Civil Liberties, Human Rights Law Centre, Community Legal Centres NSW, Public Interest Advocacy Centre, Aboriginal Legal Service NSW/ACT, People with Disability Australia and the NSW Bar Association.

Read the submission here