Eligibility Requirements

Full Professional Membership

Available to solicitors and barristers admitted to practise in Australia, judicial officers,  legal academics, or persons holding a law degree from an Australian institution.

Passionate Supporter

For our most passionate human rights supporters this level of membership offers VIP seating at annual dinners and priority advance access to conferences and events. It is available to solicitors and barristers admitted to practise in Australia, judicial officers,  legal academics, or persons holding a law degree from an Australian institution.

Monthly Supporter

Offers VIP seating at annual dinners and priority advance access to conferences and events. It is available to solicitors and barristers admitted to practise in Australia, judicial officers, legal academics, or persons holding a law degree from an Australian institution.

Discounted Professional Membership

Available to persons who qualify for full professional membership and work in remote, regional and rural areas, the community sector or on a part time basis.


Available to full and part-time law students, unwaged legal professionals and retired legal professionals.

Friends of ALHR

Available to non-lawyers and offering invitations to local and national events and access to our national newsletter and selected state/territory newsletters. This class of membership does not have voting rights.

Refund and Cancellation Policy

In order to reduce our administration costs and ensure we can devote maximum resources towards human rights advocacy, ALHR encourages members to select the annual direct debit option at check out.

ALHR Membership fees fall due annually 12 months after the date of joining.

We encourage members to use the ALHR membership portal on the website in order to manage their ALHR membership, including:

  • membership level
  • personal details
  • payment method and details
  • membership cancellation.

If you need help with your membership please email us at membershipenquiries@alhr.org.au

If a member wishes to cancel their ALHR membership they must do so in the ALHR membership portal or by contacting membershipenquiries@alhr.org.au  at least seven (7) business days prior to their annual membership fee falling due and being direct debited.  ALHR reserves the right not to refund or to charge an administration fee for refund requests where this requirement has not been met.

Financial hardship: ALHR wants everybody to be a part of the conversation about human rights in Australia and we prioritise inclusion.  If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact us and we can adjust your membership level or issue a refund.