ALHR is seeking a new Chair/Coordinator for our vibrant, effective and dedicated National Refugee Rights Subcommittee

April 27, 2016

Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) is currently searching for a new Chair/ Coordinator for our vibrant, effective and dedicated National Refugee Rights Subcommittee. Given the egregious nature of human rights violations in relation to people seeking asylum in Australia, this area is a critical focus of ALHR’s work. Over the past two years the National Refugee Rights Subcommittee has drafted numerous submissions to national and international bodies, issued press releases and made statements to the media, written letters to Ministers and other parliamentarians, and hosted numerous successful and informative events. 
ALHR is looking for someone to fill the role who has knowledge, experience and expertise in the field of asylum seekers/refugees and is passionate about making a difference. The Chair/Coordinator of the National Refugee Rights Subcommittee will lead ALHR’s work in this area and will chair meetings of the subcommittee. The Chair/ Coordinator will be supported and guided by ALHR’s National Committee. If you would like to formally nominate for this role, please send an expression of interest and copy of your CV to Claire Hammerton at Please also feel free to contact Claire if you have any questions about the role.