EOI’s sought ALHR State & Territory Convenor Positions
ALHR is seeking expressions of interest from lawyers or law students nearing completion of their studies to Co-Convene our state and territory activities.
The successful applicants will be lawyers or law students with a knowledge of and passion for international human rights law. ALHR convenors are supported and guided by ALHR’s National Committee and Executive Management Committee.
Ideally we seek to maintain a team of three co-convenors in each jurisdiction. These are voluntary positions and successful applicants will need to maintain a current annual ALHR membership.
ALHR State Convenor Position Description
ALHR State/ Territory Convenors are responsible for proactively and energetically engaging the membership of Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) locally and contributing to the national management of ALHR’s operations and advocacy. ALHR State/Territory Convenors play a vital role to the health of ALHR in being responsible for managing ALHR advocacy on local State and Territory human rights issues and by engaging, as appropriate, with ALHR’s national thematic subcommittees and national committee.
By effectively, enthusiastically and innovatively engaging ALHR members, ALHR State/Territory Convenors ensure that ALHR has the human and financial resources it requires to operate effectively while optimising its advocacy impacts. Once members are engaged, they can assist with ALHR activities such as submission-writing, letter-writing, political lobbying organising and hosting educational/fundraising events, fundraising and/or holding official positions. Convenors can also engage with less-active members, through newsletters, educational/fundraising events, and media engagement to assist with keeping human rights in the forefront of members’ minds and daily lives.
Expectations of the role
- Comply at all times with ALHR’s policies and procedures including the Conflict of Interest Policy and Procedures; the Financial Control and Authorisation Policy and Procedures, Social Media Policy, Volunteers Policy and the policies and procedures set out within the National Committee Induction Pack.
- Convene a minimum of four (4) meetings per annum for the state or territory membership .
- Focus on proactively addressing and confronting local human rights issues through:
- membership-engagement;
- submission-writing;
- letter writing;
- strategic political engagement;
- media engagement;
- organising educational events;
- engaging in joint civil society advocacy and helping to lead campaigns such as ALHR’s New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia Human Rights Acts coalitions.
- Organise, arrange and facilitate fundraising events in collaboration with the ALHR National Committee
- Draft and send four (4) to twelve (12) (with a strict minimum of four (4)) newsletters per year to the State/Territory membership.
- Closely Monitor and respond promptly to emails sent to the ALHR Convenor email address. Emails should at least be checked every second day.
- Engage with and reach out to enthusiastic members and ensure they are given opportunities to contribute to ALHR’s multi-faceted advocacy. Think about succession planning for the next generation of convenors.
- Network with other local NGOs, groups, organisations and stakeholders in order to collaborate on various and different human rights campaigns including co-hosting educational/fundraising events (with the prior approval of the national Committee)
- Consistently attend the monthly meetings of the ALHR National Committee to report back on the State / Territory activities. State/Territory Convenors are expected to work together to ensure that there is always at least one ALHR Co-Convenor present at the monthly meetings of the National Committee.
- Proactively engage and work with ALHR’s thematic national Subcommittees to conduct advocacy on local human rights issues.
- Respond to and consistently participate in the collaborative decision-making and approvals processes required of all members of the ALHR National Committee.
For more detailed information please see the position description.
If you would like to find out more about the roles available in your jurisdiction or formally nominate for a role, please send an expression of interest, including cover letter and a copy of your CV to Kerry Weste, ALHR President at president@alhr.org.au
Please also feel free to contact Kerry if you have any questions about the role.