Survival Day Statement of Solidarity

ALHR strives to walk in solidarity as a strong ally to First Nations people and communities. Today, on #InvasionDay2022 we call on the Australian Government to enshrine a First Nations Voice to Parliament in the Constitution, guided by the Uluru Statement from the Heart and establish a Makarrata Commission for the purpose of treaty making and truth-telling.
First Nations children belong with their communities and in classrooms. We call on all jurisdictions in Australia to urgently #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility to 14 years and to deliver on their commitment through the new National Framework for Protecting Australia’s Children to transform Australia’s child protection systems, putting First Nations self-determination at the centre.
We call on the Australian Government to establish a framework of minimum standards for the survival, dignity, wellbeing and rights of our First Nations people and communities by incorporating the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples #UNDRIP into domestic legislation.
We call on all levels of Government to listen to First Nations people and implement Indigenous-led solutions to address the impacts of systematic racism perpetuated against First Nations people in Australia’s criminal justice, healthcare, education, housing, and welfare systems since January 26 1788.
We call on our members, and all Australians, to spend today as a day of reflection, to listen to the voices of First Nations people and to become an ally for the significant work that we must do if we are to build a truly inclusive society.
ALHR honours the formidable strengths and resilience of all First Nations communities and leaders. We stand ready to walk with you, for as long as it takes for Australia to acknowledge its true history and forge the path to a mature democracy that embraces, respects, protects and promotes the human rights of our First Nations people and communities.
It’s time to #changethedate.